Good morning! We are together again for our Front Porch Coffee Chat on this last weekend in August. Summer always seems to pass so quickly. And we find ourselves asking, “Where is the time going?” I hope your days are filled with many good things. And let’s not fret here about the calendar. We have lots to look forward to before we call an end to summer. So, please grab a cup of your favorite brew and meet me on the porch for our August Front Porch Coffee Chat!
Well, in Florida, summer-like weather will be with us through October. Hopefully, the humid and scorching temps will calm down, and we will slowly migrate outside and begin enjoying our porches and outside areas again. Today, I am chatting with you from my upstairs porch with all its summer vibes. And I am discussing the blooming of my favorite orchid, some end-of-summer shopping, and getting back into the groove with walking.
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What’s Been Happening Lately?
You may recall we had ten trees removed from our property in January. They had become too large and were halting the growth and health of the younger trees. Plus, the shrub beds were to be made smaller and more grassy areas for the pups. Now those who know, know that the winter months of January, February, etc., are the ideal time for home maintenance, working in the yards, and being outside. Well, we had a great start. Then, the summer heat brought things to a screeching halt, so August was spent finishing up.

You never know what kind of planters you may find at the landscaping garden center! A bit of recycling here. Nothing is going to waste.
Orchid Lover

Hurrah! She is thriving, and she is blooming! That is my Vandaceous Orchid I brought home from a fall getaway in 2021 to Key Largo. I have loved and pampered her continuously.

Vadaceous Orchids are commonly called Vandas. They have a single stem and growing points at the tip or crown of the plant. These plants thrive in southern Florida but need special attention in North Florida. We do get an occasional frost during the winter months here in Gainesville. So she lives comfortably hanging from a lampshade in my sitting room during winter.
I was so excited about the vibrant color. We did a transplant from its small plastic basket several weeks ago into a larger wooden basket. She is now growing like a teenager! This is the second blooming.

Don’t Miss The End Of Summer Sales!

Ladies, if you like my dress today, check out the sale items at Talbots. Not only is the price reduced, but there is a further reduction of 60% at checkout! That’s right, just $32.00 for a high-quality Talbots dress. Remember, fall is around the corner, but so are those winter getaways to warmer climates. And it is summer in the South almost year-round.
It’s Time To Get Walking
Upon returning from our trip to Italy in June, I realized I needed to step up my walking routine. We intend to travel more, which involves walking in different environments on varying terrains. The landscape of Florida is mostly flat and easy to walk, but the terrain is on an incline in many places we want to visit. Plus, when sightseeing we can encounter numerous stairs making being in good shape a priority.

We know the positive effects of taking a walk in nature.
Scientific reports state that a nice walk is good for a healthy body and mind, along with enhancing our creativity. And my pups love it too!
I am fortunate to live in a walking community. So, my goal is to get to my daily walks. Luckily, I was gifted a new pair of walking sneakers by Apex.
My Apex sneakers are so comfortable and stylish. Don’t you love this shade of blue?
With Apex shoes, you can customize your fit for maximum comfort. When you look beneath the insole, you will find another layer with room to remove spacers for the perfect fit.
Apex Foot Health has been the driving force for more than a half-century.

🤩CODE: distinctlysouthernstyle10
Inspiration For Walking
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
When the student is truly ready… The teacher will Disappear.”
― Tao Te Ching
In August, my favorite podcast and YouTube broadcast is Mel Robbins discussing the Science of Walking with Shane O’Mara. I am on my second listening to the podcast and have ordered Shane’s book. The science and explanations of how walking affects the body and mind are eye-opening and inspiring.

Until Next Time!

Alas, that’s all that I have to share this week.
As always, I love chatting with you and welcome your sharing of thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
If you missed my previous posting, you can read it here.
Remember, we can stay social on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest throughout the week.
© COPYRIGHT 2023/ Distinctly Southern Style, LLC / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Links in this post contain affiliate links.
Absolutely outstanding and most beautiful orchid, I LOVE it and if I can have only one flower/plant in my house it will be an orchid.
I visited you via Dare to Share Saturday Party!
I linked up this week with = 34+35. This is a friendly reminder and invitation to come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.
Hi there Esme’,
Thanks for the invite to your Senior Salon Pit Stop. I will catch-up with you on Saturday.
That is one darling dress. Would work as a great transition piece as the temps finally drop back to double digits. And what a fabulous bargain. Thank you for sharing with us.
Your orchid is sensational. My mom did very well growing orchids. She credited forgetting to water them with her success. I over ‘love’ and over water all of my plants. My mom swore by just giving her flowers an occasional ice cube. Glad your beauty can winter in your house and enjoy warmer months outside. She is a beauty.
Your Mother knew the secret to gardening. I have overwatered some many plants in the past. I give my orchids a soak for 5 to 10 minutes then drain well. And only every 10 days or so. When outside the are getting moisture from the morning and evening air.
Your orchid is beautiful! It’s been so hot here I haven’t walked much, but am trying to walk my dog early morning and late evening to get my steps in. Your Talbots dress is such a pretty print!
Jill – Doused in Pink
The summer heat has shortened my walks quite a lot. But, cooler temps will get the boys and I back in step.
Well, can I just say I am jealous of your porch? I’m jealous you have a first floor and a second floor one, too! I have never tried to grow orchids. And, lately, I’ve been murdering all of my indoor plants and some of the outdoor ones. I think it’s the absence of windows in this new place as well as not quite figuring out when to water them. That Talbots dress is cute. I will take a quick look!
I am subscribed but never get any notifications of new posts. I’m not sure what’s going on.
Hi Marsha,
We enjoy our front porches, especially now that the weather is cooling down. The upstairs porch is the perfect spot for Sunday afternoon and evening relaxing and watching the world pass by.
Indeed, watering plants is a fine art.🤣 I’ve accidentally drowned a few myself. Living in Florida, I find it best to place my orchids outside. And let nature provide rain, dew, and humidity.
The website is getting a fresh new look for Fall. And that causes a few glitches here and there. I will be checking my mailing list today. Thanks for the heads up.
How on earth did you get that orchid so gorgeous? They don’t even bloom at my house! It’s gorgeous.
My Vandas orchid been hanging under a tree in sunny Florida. In the winter months I bring it inside and hang it by a North and east-facing set of windows.
I’m glad you found me, Rosemary. I have been in central Florida a year and could use all sorts of info about the state.
Hi Nancy,
I am happy you are here. I lived in the Orlando area for 14 years and loved it❣️You are in a great location just a couple of hours from so many fantastic sites, cities and beaches. Always something to do and somewhere to go.