Are You Your Own Best Friend?
Let’s take a moment and think about this. Are you your own best friend?
Sure you may say, “My sister is my best friend or Mary, and I have been best friends since kindergarten.” All this may be true but who knows you better than you know yourself? So shouldn’t you be best friends with yourself?
Well, how do you go about being friends with yourself?

Fortunately, it’s the very same way that you are friends with anyone else. You spend time together connecting and sharing enjoyable experiences.
Being friends with yourself involves being alone with yourself, spending time doing the things that you love.
Alone time gives you time to decompress and rejuvenate both mentally and physically.
It may be that you take time to meditate or pray. You may love to take long walks or run or work in a garden or read a book whatever it is for you, just take the time and do it.
You’ll be so glad that you did.

Yesterday was a day I was able to do just that. My past couple of months have been busy with lots of things happening.
My brain has been working overtime, keeping a busy schedule filled with holidays, birthdays, several amazing trips and selling a rental property,
Now, please don’t get me wrong, because there are no complaints here. Indeed, these things are all good, and I am grateful every day for all the blessings in my life, but there comes a day when both the mind a body say, “stop and take a break.”
And so, I decided to STOP! I declared it to be, ” My Morning!”
First, I started my day with a leisurely cup of coffee on the back porch with just me and my pups. All the while resisting the urge to pick up the IPad or phone. Truthfully, taking a break from daily routine is hard.
There we were me, the dogs, the squirrels, birds, and sounds of the neighborhood buzzing beyond my garden area.
After letting my mind wander where ever it wanted, and I was thoroughly relaxed, I pulled on some work-out clothes, sunglasses, no make-up and went on a long walk with the dogs.
Intentionally, I took a different route from our usual path. Isn’t it something how we allow ourselves to get into the rut of a routine all because it’s easy? Amazingly, once we slow down the everyday scenery looks so new and fresh when we are viewing it from a different perspective.
Upon arriving back home, I was feeling fantastic, ready for a cold drink, a hot shower and the start of a brand new day!
This break in routine was my special gift to me. An entire morning with myself and no interruptions, no appointments, no yoga class, no thoughts of diet, no to-do lists, no blogging only perfect, alone, quiet time.
It gave me a chance to just “be me.” I could feel myself slowing down and unwinding.
So whenever you get the opportunity, be sure to make some me time in your daily routine. Then you too can slow down, unwind and count your blessings while you get reacquainted with your very own best friend, YOU!
Until next time!
P.S. By the way if you like today’s swing dress, it’s still available at Old Navy. Find the link below.

This website contains links that may generate income for Distinctly Southern Style. All creative and opinions are my own.
I really love alone time and quite time, such a gift! I wasn’t raised that way but over the years I’ve come to really appreciate it and now it is much needed!!!
Yes, Kellyann,
The older I get, the more I enjoy bits of quiet time to unwind.
Thanks for reading!
Yes I love quiet- need it every day