How To Beat The Summer Heat

Beat the heat of summer at Boca Raton, Florida.

Because I live and love it here in hot, humid Florida, I always look for ways to beat the summer heat and stay cool. Since we are now mid-summer and the temperatures are rising around the country, I will share a few tips on staying cool in the heat of summer.

Woman standing under a tree beside a medal butterfly bench.

Visit The Lake, Beach, Or Pool

Beat the heat of summer at Boca Raton, Florida.

Now, if you are lucky enough to live near a water source such as a beach, lake, or pool, then you are in luck! What better way to beat the heat in summer than some relaxing time in and near the water. I rate a vacation or a trip near the water as my number one fun way to stay cool! I love the view and cool breeze coming off the water.

Stay Hydrated

A bowl of fresh lemons on a cutting board. Making fresh lemon water to beat the heat of summer.

It’s An Inside Job!

Okay, here’s a little secret. Staying cool is an inside out job!

Yes! According to the Harvard School of Public Health “Drinking enough water each day is crucial to regulate body temperature.” And that means cooling the body.

They are recommending that women drink around 11 cups of water per day and men drink 16. This amount does not need to come from plain water. But we should be aware and not be drinking highly sugared sodas and the like.

Try water flavored with real fruits and veggies such as lemons, oranges, limes, berries, ginger, or cucumber slices.

Go ahead and enjoy that nice tall glasses of cold water. You will glad you did!

Eat Light

One way to beat the heat of summer is to eat light. A vegetable and chicken stir fry.

More of the inside story.

Let’s take a moment and think about this. If we provide light and easy-to-digest foods to our bodies, they will not have to work so hard. It will be much easier to digest the lighter foods than heavy comfort food meals that we craving in colder months.

Thus, our body is not working as hard, and we are keeping the inside temperature cooler!

Plus. there is no heating up our homes with stoves and ovens. Let’s start thinking about an organic chicken breast on the grill, along with some grilled vegetables, a tossed salad, and fresh fruit. And we are on our way to beating the heat! And we are eating healthy!

Wear Cool Clothing

Woman standing on a porch wearing a white linen dress with a straw hat.

Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. And natural fabrics such as cotton and linen are best when the temps are hot and humid. These fabrics provide natural airflow and the absorption of sweat. They are not only stylish but cooling too! Is it any wonder that people choose cotton clothing as a way to stay cool and beat the heat.

Use Sunscreen And Wear AHat

Be Aware Of The Sun

Yes, timing is everything, and that goes double when enjoying outdoor summer activities!

woman applying sun protection lotion

Of course, you already know that too much sunlight is dangerous and bad for your skin. But, did you know that the (UV) ultraviolet radiation is at its highest between 10:00 a.m. and 4 p.m.? Without sunscreen you can get a nasty sunburn even if it is a cloudy day!

blonde girl wearing an hat on the beach as she attempts to beat the heat of summer.

So, be cool, apply sunscreen and wear a hat when you are participating in outdoor activities.

Stay In The Shade To Beat Summer Heat

Woman sitting on a swing on a porch in summer.

Take a break and beat the heat, it’s summer. Just relax and stay in the shade. You can spend some time alone or with friends catching up.


Maybe, take a nap or read a book. It’s entirely up to you!

A trip to the movies is  a great way to beat the summer heat!

Or how about going to a nice cool air-conditioned movie theater. I know it has been a long time for many of us. But a midday matinee in the cool air conditioning can be a special summertime treat and a great way to beat the heat of summer!

poster of people walking by the ocean with the pier in the distance.

Whatever, you are doing to beat the heat this summer, I wish you health, fun, and happiness!

Thanks for joining me here at Distinctly Southern Style and have a happy, safe summer!

Signature - Rosemary Davis and a heart

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© COPYRIGHT 2021/ Distinctly Southern Style  

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    • Hi Christine!

      Oh, I know how hot it can get in Arizona!🔥
      You have the dry heat and we have the humid heat! In the end, it is still hot!
      And we try our best to cope.
      So happy you liked today’s tips!


  1. I’m in Atlanta. No pool, no beach, no lake. I love your airy clothes: beautiful! Your house is beautiful too!!


    • I hear you, Mireille.

      I try to wear my hat, and I should wear it more.

      But some days are so hot that wearing it just makes me warmer. Thinking🧐about it … we wear a hat in winter to stay warm.

      I do wear my wide-brimmed hat when on the boat or pool.


    • Hi Jess!

      Drinking water and eating light are so important to looking good and feeling well!
      Although, I may complain a little about the heat, I do love summertime!
      I am looking forward to seeing your family vacation pictures on ED&S.

      Have a great weekend!
      Rosemary xoxo-dSs

  2. Great post, Rosemary! I am all about staying hydrated, eating light fresh foods, and remaining in the shade during the hot and humid summer months. Although summers where I live barely see 80 degrees so I can’t complain too much about being overheated in the summer! Thanks for sharing your valuable tips and linking with me!


    • Hi Kim!

      I agree that hydration and eating light are the first steps to staying cool and feeling good in summer!
      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. I wished I could use these tips! Well, I do but summer here is awful this year. Hardly any sun, only rain and grey skies! So boring, perhaps August wel be a bit more sunny!

    • Nancy,

      I am so sorry that you are experiencing a less than ideal summer season this year. We have all been looking forward to Summer 2021. Hopefully, there will be a change in your weather and you will have a fantastic fall season!


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