“Live well and have a kind heart! ”
I don’t remember when or where I first heard this saying but I do know that it is so very, very true! A kind heart is surely a key to living a good life.
The other night, as I was preparing dinner and listening to the headlines of the evening news broadcast, on television I felt a shocking sense of sadness.
Then a wayward thought crossed my mind. “Where has all the kindness in our world gone?”
It seems to me that the importance of kindness that we learned as children seems to have gone by the wayside.
Since this is a Sunday post, maybe now is a good time for us to start thinking about what kindness really means to us.
What exactly is the meaning of being kind?
The dictionary result for kind:
/kīnd/adjective adjective: kind; comparative adjective: kinder; superlative adjective: kindest
- having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.” she was a good, kind woman” synonyms: kindly, good-natured, kindhearted, tenderhearted, warmhearted, softhearted, good-hearted, tender, caring, feeling, affectionate.
It’s Sunday – A Good Day For A Fresh Start
Ok, today is a good day to begin a practice of being kind.
Right now, let’s make an effort to be kind of heart. Let’s be generous of spirit, and
Let’s Show Our Kind Heart!
This world in which we live in is an unpredictable place.
Plus, we never want to have to think of them as being anything other than kind of heart.
And so, I propose that we all take a look into our own small worlds and decide that starting today, we are going to be kinder to one another this week.
That’s all we can do. It’s a little, but it’s a lot!
I love you all on this Sunday morning!
Have an amazing week!

Some Simply Sunday Thoughts From The Past
I Am Grateful For New Beginnings
10 Ways To Living A Life Of Intention
Being Your Own Best Friend
Such a nice message to start the week. Kindness is really important to me and something we discuss with our kids regularly. Nice to see that other people feel the same! Hope you have a great week!
xx Jenifer
I truly believe that the vast majority of people do have a Kind Heart.
Sadly, it’s the negativity that gets the most attention. It is important to bring attention back to the value of being kind.
Thanks for stopping by!
Rosemary xoxord
This is a nice message that it takes so little effort to be nice but it means so much to the receiver the little kindness we can offer to others.
And we feel so much better when small kindness come our way.
It’s like when someone smiles at us we can’t help but smile back.
Have a beautiful week!
Rosemary 🥰
This is such a inspiring post. Kindness is so important! Thank you for sharing <3
Grace, I am so happy that you enjoyed today’s post.
A little kindness can go a long way in helping to brighten someone’s day.
Rosemary xoxord
I love this message Rosemary. It’s so easy to be kind. I don’t know why so many struggle with this simple concept. Thank you for such a beautiful post.
I do think that kindness, like so many things in life, that we intend to do just slips through the cracks of everyday living. And, we just need a gentle reminder to be our best selves…and importantly to be kind to ourselves too!
Rosemary xoxord
Your words are so true, Rosemary! I fully agree with you that acting with kindness in our own small worlds can be so powerful. I know that heavy feeling that can come after listening to the latest news report. Yet I truly believe that kindness still exists in our world. Case in point: Last weekend, I was at the grocery store to pick up a couple of items, and the woman who had just finished checking out ahead of me paid for my groceries! When I momentarily stared at her, dumbfounded by her kind act, she said, “Random act of kindness!” How awesome is that! Now to pay it forward … 😃
It makes me so happy that you enjoyed today’s post. I feel that kindness is so important in all our lives.
Rosemary xoxord
I love this!!!! It has to start somewhere right? “To the world you are one person, to one person you are the world” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I understand that the only person I can control is myself. And so, I try to be aware of my thoughts, actions, and words.
Of course, we are all human, but I do believe that it is the intent and the trying that counts.
Rosemary, such a beautiful reminder. Kindness is need more now than ever. Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt message.
Thanks for reading and your kind words, Heike!
What a great post, Rosemary! I tend to take long breaks from the news, but I like to be well informed, so I head back in after I’ve taken a break and with some trepidation. Your message of kindness is one that you live and that is why I choose to follow you <3
Thank you so very much for your kind words, Melanie!
You have one of the kindest hearts❤️ that I know!