Getting Ready To Be Ready
Good morning and happy Sunday! As I sit here on this glorious Sunday morning, my mind starts to wander to random thoughts. I should be doing this but maybe I should do that. I have a to-do list both mentally and on paper making my day project filled. But, wait first I have to get ready to be ready.

Get ready. What does that mean?
Well, you know I must make the bed before I can start the day. Then On a typical day, I must get dressed in nice gym clothes and do my hair before I can think of working out. Okay, I am prepared to go to the gym. Now, I can start a workout session. Click, an aha moment! You know, just realized that I really spend a lot of time, getting ready to be ready!
Well, there is this thing call procrastination!
Procrastination is explained in the dictionary as when people keep delaying or postponing doing something. Ultimately, it is those unseen elements that stop us from following through with action on those things that we want or set out to do.
How often is it that you are thinking or planning to do something, but come up with a list of numerous things you tell yourself to do before we can start? Just maybe we are all ready ready!
“The secret to getting ahead …. Is getting started. -MARK TWAIN

Just Do It!
We have all seen and heard the NIKE phrase, “Just Do It”, many times. Three simple words! Maybe, that is what we need to do more often. Get out of our heads and just do it.
Quit overthinking everything all the time. Live your life and let it flow. Who knows what is waiting for us if we just let go a little and stop the worry of not being ready for our lives.
All Ready Ready
Lastly, I am not saying that we shouldn’t make the appropriate preparations for significant events and decisions in the business of conducting our lives. But, let’s consider how much more fit I would be if I left the bed on made, threw on a baseball cap, and took a walk. In plain English, it’s a simple solution to a problem of procrastination. Because, for me, when I get caught up in the need to prepare scenario, I procrastinate! How about you?

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I can always think of a million things to do besides the hard thing that is staring me right in the face! I can so relate to this post!
Yes, its targeting the heart of the task and then doing it.
So much easier said than done!
Procrastination can be a problem with me too unless I have a plan and a list to follow. Writing stuff down helps…
Making a list is key for me too!
Without it I get sidetracked way too often.
To get ready for the day, I usually list what I want to accomplish. Lately with school starting on a hybrid schedule and me still wanting to exercise and blog.. it is getting very busy!
The days when I have a list first thing in the morning, are the days that flow the best for me!
You make a good point! Since I don’t head to the gym anymore (because Corona) I just throw on whatever I can and go for a run or walk with my kids. Lots of other things have been taking my time so I’m grateful to save time in other ways!
Yes, just defining my main goal and doing it helps me accomplish so much more!
Interesting post Rosemary, yes I always have to get ready to be ready and sometimes that means washing my hair before I go to the gym, which means getting up extra early, because I do my exercise before I start working. So I am inclined to procrastinate! Writing a to-do list the day before helps me focus on what I’m going to do the next day, and how good I will feel if I actually do it. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday.
Rosemary, this is brilliant! And so very insightful. I can’t start the day either without making the bed and getting ready to get ready. Some days I can get right to things, other days I find myself procrastinating like a pro! Thanks for sharing and linking up with me.