Geez…has it ever been a crazy spring 2020! COVID19 has been front and center in every ones’ minds and lives. Scary times for sure. But, there must be a bright side! While video chatting with several blogger friends a couple of weeks ago about seeing the bright side of life. We hit upon the idea of the Bright Side Challenge.

Since the members of our group in different locations around the world, we are experiencing things at different times. We have different lifestyles, blogging niches, etc. But on this particular day we discussing the Coronavirus, social distancing, and how we all coping with the good and the bad. Surprisingly, many good memories started to emerge. Happy thoughts, and thus the Bright Side Challenge was born!
Our simple challenge to one another is to simply make a list of the positive things and feelings that we are experiencing during this unique time in our lives of social distancing. Looking for the bright side!
So here goes, my list of bright moments while living in quarantine.
Appreciation of the simple things.
As my life has taken on a slower pace, I find myself beginning to pay attention to the simple details of my surroundings and experiences. Mundane things like that second cup of coffee becomes a moment in time to actually savor the flavor of my drink. Not a rushed caffeine fix. All the while we may been enjoying an unexpected conversation with our spouse or socially distancing house companions. Paying attention, being present, and being aware. That’s appreciation creeping back into our lives.
Connecting in different ways.
Although I had been practicing social distancing, I am finding myself reaching out to friends and family more than ever. Now, I am consciously taking the time to make those phone calls. And guess what? I’ m FaceTiming, video chatting, and Zooming. That’s a learning curve, that’s growth. That’s a bright side for sure!
Completing projects
Now I think this is a big one on most everyone’s list. That long overdue to-do list is finally getting whittled down to a manageable size. Because when have we ever not had the excuse of not having enough time? I’ve had time to clean and organize like never before.
Awareness of health
Personally, I find that this international health crisis is making me more aware of my health and fitness goals. Now, let’s be honest here. When I first heard the term at-risk group over 60, it stopped me in my shoes. How can that be? Is that me?
In the beginning, my family said the kids should stay away from Nana. I have a post nasal morning cough from allergies and sinus surgery years ago. This is ok. Their first thoughts are to protect me.
Now, in looking for the bright side to this comes the awareness of the need to safeguard my health no matter what my age group. Yes, I have indulged in way too many potato chips. But, I am more aware than ever of the importance of a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle.
Shopping and saving
Thinking back on how my shopping habits have changed is another bright side of my staying in place at home. I am grocery shopping on a one to one and half week schedule. Planning better meals and using what I have on hand. Thus, I am saving money on groceries and eating out.
Ok, I do admit, the delivery trucks do know where I live! Eat better, save money, and online shop! See what you think of when you take the Bright Side Challenge?
People are friendly
Just in case you haven’t noticed people are much friendlier now that we are keeping at a social distance. I see smiles and waves from a distance. There are more hello’s and how are you doing greetings. We are coming back to ours roots and showing our caring to others. This is definitely a bright side of the times.
Peace in nature
So many of us have found the time to get back to nature. Being told to keep our distance is one very good reason to get out into the open spaces. Places where we can keep our distance and be outside.
Plus, in all times good or bad being out in nature, is great for our body, mind and soul. Peace and tranquility is the best gift we can give ourselves. And remembering that it is in the outdoors is blessing!
Last but not least, but foremost on my list for this Bright Side Challenge is my family!
Family is what my life is all about. And I see the bright side of the forced family time that will be cherished for a lifetime. Times of fun, fussing, family games, homeschooling, lots of cooking and so much more.
Oh, what stories we are going tell. This is our shared history. And these are our bright sides of a unique and difficult time.

Meet my friends
Now, I would like you to meet my friends as they share stories of their The Bright Side Challenges. And, I would love to hear about how you are seeing the bright side of life today! Just drop me a note in the comment box below!
Kim Cook
Michele Bellisari
Gwen Gottlieb
Michele Linton
Merry Lynch
Nancy Weiss
D’Arcy Vandenberg
Heidi Suydam
Melanie Silkworth
© COPYRIGHT 2020/ Distinctly Southern Style/ Rosemary Davis
Hello Rosemary,
This is a beautiful mindset to have. You’ve really shown us what matters most in life, attitude and gratefulness
Take care my friend,
Loved this Brightside challenge post. You had lots of my own thoughts listed here. Starting with too many potato chips, but I’m trying to do a healthy balance now too. LOL. I’ve definitely been enjoying nature more than I have to say I agree that people are friendly. I can see in people’s eyes when they are smiling. And finally, I’m trying to complete some projects. Thanks for a great read.
Isn’t it amazing Gwen, how we are so much alike?
All those little things that we think and do … and you are thinking and doing those things too. It is true, that we are all in this together!
I have so enjoyed getting to know you better. Looking forward to our next challenge.
Hi Nancy,
Family and health are tops on my list. All the rest is the icing on the cake.
But, we do sometimes forget these life lessons.
May all be well with everyone!
We have so much in common! I appreciate everything you said. Beautiful post. Thank you!
I had the same thoughts as I have been reading today’s posts.
We did have so very much in common. I look forward to collaborating together again soon!
Beautiful post. I will be joining next tine. So much to be thank for!
Hi Kim,
We will catch you next time. Grateful for the busyness of work!
Enjoy your fun times – thanks for sharing on The Midlife Blogging Community. Jacqui/Mummabstylish
So happy to be apart of The Midlife Blogging Community, Jacqui!
I loved your post! So many blessings in the storm!
Yes, there is sunshine behind those dark clouds.
It’s so encouraging to read your list of blessings, Rosemary! I’ve been noticing many of the same ones in my own life, and I’m so grateful for all of the good there is even in the midst of the challenges. Life is still beautiful! 😊
I think that one of the blessings coming out of this challenge is the realization of just how very much alike we all are! Indeed, life is beautiful ❣️
Beautiful! I love this bright side challenge! Honestly I share your outlook completely- Thanks for this uplifting post:)
So happy you enjoyed today’s post!
Keep looking on the bright side.
Loved this sooo very much. I have noticed people are friendlier as well and smiling surprisingly. This was such a fun challenge and of course meeting some awesome midlife blogger friends like myself has been the cherry on top of all of this.
Yes, making new friends and keeping in touch with old ones via technology has been a wonderful blessing!
And the stopping to really see people and being friendly has been amazing ❣️
What a wonderful post about looking on the bright side as we all have stayed home these last few months.
It has been fun seeing you on FaceTime and yes this was the silver lining for me during the pandemic.
A very fun collaboration with the other bloggers!
What a great challenge! I love your positive outlook! There are so many things we can find joy in right now! It’s all about the little things!
Jill – Doused in Pink