Front Porch Coffee Chat on April, 24, 2020
Hi there, and welcome to this edition of Front Porch Coffee Chat! As for me, this has been a pretty uneventful week. I’m still staying at home and practicing social distancing. I have been daydreaming about when we can start moving about more freely and the new normal. I started making a social distancing bucket list of things to do after the shutdown. So anyway, grab your coffee or favorite drink cup and join me here on the porch as we catch up on things.

Bucket List For After Social Distancing
As I said, I’ve been daydreaming about getting out of the house and moving around more. At the end of every year, I make a list of intentions for the coming year. Previously, I have written posts about setting intentions before, and you can read about it here. Unfortunately, it feels like 2020 ended in March. Now, it appears that we may be starting afresh with a new normal at some time in May. So it only seems natural for me to start my bucket list for after social distancing.

Making A Bucket List of Intentions
As I think about a bucket list after this period of social distancing, I feel much more serious than ever before. Now, life is not so much about frivolous thoughts and desires. It’s about how I can contribute to my community.
Here’s a peek at my bucket list!
- Shopping and buy local – By shopping at my local stores, I am helping small businesses in my area.
- Support small businesses – I intend to support small business online whenever it’s appropriate.
- Intend to wait and shop my neighborhood big box stores for items on my wishlist instead of ordering online. Because I want to see these stores stay open in my community.
- An appointment with my hairdresser is tops on my list!
- I am going to visit my favorite local boutique.
- Dining out once a week.
- Get carry out once a week.
- I am scheduling home maintenance projects. Such as carpet cleaned, patio, and sidewalks power washed.
- Visiting my local garden nursery. Scheduling mulch delivery for the shrub beds and buying some potting plants and herbs for my pot garden.
- I will have my dogs groomed.
- When the time is right, I am going to go to the gym.
- Visit the new nail salon in the neighborhood, which opened the week of our stay at home started.
- I will have coffee and lunches with my friends.
- Go to the beach.
- I intend to work at being as healthy as possible.
Waiting for the right time after social distancing.
Now, I know that the opening of businesses will be a timely manner. And I want to make it clear that I am not going to go rushing out and doing all these things as soon as possible. But, I do know what I want to accomplish and do when things are back to the new normal.
It’s amazing how different the bucket list has become in the past couple of months? Our lives have become much simpler. Thus, our list of intentions has become much simpler.
Intermittent Fasting – Update

At the top of my list of intentions is to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. This past week I started back on the Lean program of intermittent fasting and carb cycling with Amanda Nighbert. And, I am happy to report that all is going well. My cravings for sugar have subsided and I do believe that my allergies are not as intense. Now, I am working out every day and feeling more energy. If you like, you can read the entire post here.
Interested in joining the program? Click here and don’t forget to use the code RDBF02
Orchid In Bloom

Alas, after waiting 3 years my Easter orchid from 2017 has finally bloomed! I have so enjoyed watching it everyday as a new bloom opens. And today is the day that’s it’s in full bloom. The buds started appearing back in March when we started our stay at home practice. I’m seeing the completion of the blooming a very good sign of the times.!
This Week’s Shopping Find
Some Really Unique Coffee Mugs
As I was browsing online, I can across a few really cute coffee mugs. Collecting coffee mugs is a thing at our house. I always try to find a cool one as a souverniner when we travel. And I also like to have them on hand for my gift closet.
Video Of Today’s Coffee Chat
Should you want more of today’s coffee chat, I have added the video below version below. Feel free to share it with your friends!
Share The Love!
Also, I want to thank all of you who are following and sharing my posts on Facebook and Instagram!!! Sharing really makes a huge difference in bringing traffic to my blog. ALSO, pinning my photos on Pinterest works wonders too! Please, keep up the great work, everyone!!!
Lastly, I am so happy to have you join me here on Front Porch Coffee Chat today! Now it’s your turn. Have you been thinking about a bucket list of activities for after social distancing too! I’d love to hear your thoughts and plans on your after quarantine bucket list. Just leave them in the comment section below and we will continue our little chat session!
Until next time!
Disclaimer: Products featured on Distinctly Southern Style sometimes (but not always) include affiliate links.
© COPYRIGHT 2020/ Distinctly Southern Style/ Rosemary Davis
I love your bucket list!
When we are out of quarantine, after my stop to the hairdresser, I plan on buying local, too!
Also on my list is to support restaurants with dine in and take out!
We will get through this!
Hi Nancy!
We are all in this together and it seems that we are all thinking in the same direction too! t
It will be great to be back to a somewhat normal pace of live. I’m sure that we will be savoring everything in a fresh new light.
I enjoyed reading your bucket list and watching your YouTube video!
I look forward to getting back out to my new normal!
Definitely wanting to support local businesses and eat out again!
Oh Robin, how refreshing it will be once we begin to move about again!
I’m sure we will be savoring each moment and experience from a different point of view!
Rosemary, that’s an awesome list! You’re right our intentions have become simpler with lockdown. I am surprisingly okay with that though.
Hi Michelle.
On a whole, I think we are all okay with a slower pace of living! Life had become so fast paced and many of us had forgotten how to slow down.
There is always a silver lining somewhere. Maybe a slower pace of life is our silver lining.
What a fabulous blog you have Rosemary. This article is so important. I plan on making my bucket list too. Post this everywhere!!!
Rebecca thank you so very much for you kind words,
I am so happy that you are enjoying my posts.
Rosemary xoxo-rd
Great bucket list! These are things I try to do as well.