10 Reasons To Fall In Love With Walking

Why falling in love with walking is good for your body and soul!

Do you know that walking daily is good for both your body and your mind? Avid walkers swear by the health and psychological benefits of their daily outings. And they are so right! There are so many reasons to fall in love with walking and here are 10 of them.

 Here are reasons for slipping into your sneakers and heading outside for an enjoyable walk. Maybe, you just might fall in love with walking too!

Since mid-March, so many of us are forced to stop going to the gym because of social distancing. And oh how we have been missing it! Not only for the exercise but the comradely and socializing. Now that things are opening up and now tightening up again, I begin to question if I want to get dressed and go to the gym on certain days if all I plan to do is use the treadmill for a 30-minute walk and my daily cardio workout. It is occurring to me going through the process makes working out more Work than Fun. Walking is so simple. So why not just go for a walk and enjoy it! Here are 10 reasons for slipping into your sneakers and heading outside for an enjoyable walk. Maybe, you just might fall in love with walking too!

Falling in Love

Walking hand in hand and falling in love.

Taking a walk does amazing things for all your relationships. Walking and talking go hand in hand. That’s communication and communication is great! When we are strolling along with someone, be it your spouse, boy/girlfriend, friend, kids, whoever, you are both going in the same direction at the same time. You are looking ahead, and moving together in the same direction. You are in sync together. Now, don’t forget the dogs. They are happiest when they’re moving. If you have a dog the best thing you can do for them is take a walk.

It’s An Awesome Way to Enjoy Nature

I am blessed to live in Central Florida, and although it does get hot in summer, I can enjoy the outdoors any time during the year. And, when vacationing time rolls around, we head off to different spots for exploring the great outdoors. Daily walks help keep me in shape for those cherished trips and being able to keep the pace no matter where we roam.

Walking is a wonderful way to enjoy nature!

Healthy Heart

One of the best reason to love walking is a Healthy Heart

Taking a walk is excellent for your heart! When you start this simplest of a lifestyle change, you are accepting the first step in improving your heart health. The American Heart Association states that “Walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active”.  Plus, it is shown to improve cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. These are all good reasons to love your heart and take a stroll outside. *(Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program)

Give Your Brain A Boost

Increased brain power is an excellent reason to take a walk.

Too many of our days are being spent, thinking about COVID, the economy, you name it. We are worrying. And, taking a mental break while taking a walk is one way to leave those troubling thoughts and our mental fatigue behind.

Manage Your Weight

Falling in love with walking with your friends.

One of the most popular reasons for starting a walking practice is weight management. There are significant studies by numerous researchers, all concluding that regularly taking a walk is an easy and effective way to lose and maintain our weight. And the longer the walking schedule is maintained the more likely we will lose more weight. It doesn’t have to be painfully long and hard, we just have to do it! *(Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program)

Bone Density

Bone density is a good reason to walk.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, studies suggest that approximately one in two women and up to one in four men age 50 and older will break a bone due to osteoporosis. And, low-impact, weight-bearing exercises can help keep bones healthy. An easy and safe way of doing that is walking on a treadmill or outside. *(Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program)

High Blood Sugar? Taking Short Stroll Will Do You Good

Healthy snack of fresh fruit.

When it comes to health benefits, a short walk along with healthy food choices can do you a world of good.

The American Diabetes Association states, “Light to moderate daily activities, exercise in a moderate climate, moderate weight-bearing activities that are low-impact (e.g. walking, cycling, swimming, chair exercises)”, are functional exercises. *(Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program)

Reduces Cravings For Sweets

Is your sweet tooth holding you captive? Numerous research studies are showing that exercise such as walking reduces urges for sugary sweets in normal-weight people. Another good reason to fall in love with walking!

Improves Your Sleep

Peaceful scene of a walking trail.

Need help falling asleep or staying asleep?
If you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, take a walk. According to an article in Sleep.org, “ Even a single bout of moderate exercise, like walking, helps adults with chronic insomnia fall asleep faster and sleep longer.“

No Age Limit

There is no age limit for taking a walk. Man and young boy walking in the desert.

That’s right! You are not too old or too young to take a walk. There is no age limit on enjoying a leisurely stroll. I am sure once you get started you will find more than 10 good reasons why you are in love walking!

*(Be sure to check with your physician before starting any physical exercise program.)

Disclaimer: Products featured on Distinctly Southern Style sometimes (but not always) include affiliate links. 

© COPYRIGHT 2020/ Distinctly Southern Style/ Rosemary Davis

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    • Walking is such a wonderful way to stay connected. It’s simply walking and talking. No distractions by TV, phones, etc. I love walking with Hubby or friends.

      Rosemary xoxo-rd

    • It’s said, “The first step is the hardest!”

      And, I agree! I am good as long as it’s part of my routine. Once, I break the pattern of going out for the evening walk, it’s hard to get motivated again.

      Enjoy your walk!

      Rosemary xoxo -rd

  1. Rosemary, these all are such wonderful reasons to get up and out and moving about! I definitely need to be walking more for all of the reasons you shared, but my motivation seems to have died in quarantine. I am slowly getting it back and trying to take short walks with my kids. Thanks for sharing this inspiring post and linking up with me.


    • Oh Shelbee, we are all right here with you!!!

      This quarantine has us up one day and down the next. But, we are persevering ing and getting through this time together!


  2. I’ll admit that sometimes I’ll walk that extra mile in order to justify a dessert but overall walking has become my favorite form of excerise. In addition, now that I live in Florida the weather can not be an excuse.

    • Nancy,

      I know what you mean about walking for sweets or a glass of wine. One of the best side effects of walking regularly for me is that I don’t crave the sweets as much!

      Rosemary xoxo-rd

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