Staying Fit And Healthy By Walking

Today, I am focusing on establishing and maintaining a walking routine for the new year and beyond. Because I plan on staying fit and healthy by walking. Luckily, I am blessed to live in a walking-friendly neighborhood, making taking a daily walk is very doable. As the ads say, “Just Do It!” Yes, just put on those walking shoes and get out there and do it! No special equipment is needed. Well, a good pair of walking shoes are a great option.

Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise.”
-Carrie Latet.

Staying Fit Healthy By Walking

Walking is an easy and effective exercise and most of us don’t do it enough.  Walking 10,000 steps is a great daily goal we can all work towards and is very doable for most of us.

We can wake up early and walk; take a mid-afternoon stroll; or head out for a sunset stroll around the block.  It’s important that we put a daily walk in our schedule and enjoy it.

  • A walk alone provides a great meditation experience. Being alone with our thoughts is a fantastic way to clear the mind.
  • Making a date and walking with a friend provides social connection and also makes us accountable to get it done.
  • Long walks are good and somedays are made for a short stroll.
  • It is recommended that adults get an average of 20 to 30 mintues of walking daily.

Benfits of Walking

Most of us are aware that walking is great for our heart health and a great way to control our weight. But there are lots more reasons to make getting that daily walk in and making it apart of our daily routines. Here are just a few.

  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Cuts the risk of strokes
  • Boosts our brains
  • Lowers the risk of age-related cataracts 
  • Excellent sleep aid
  • Effective in reducing depression
  • Speeds recovery from illness and injury
  • Aids in managing blood pressure and diabetes

I wrote an entire post on the benefits of walking and reasons to fall in love with the activity.

Walking To Fight Bone Loss

After I meeting with my OBGYN and reviewing my bone denisty reports, she suggested that I add a weighted vest to my walks this year. So, here I go. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Medical data report state that weight bearing physical activity is important for reducing bone loss.  However, acivites such as high impact aerobics or running are recommend to increase bone density. For people who can’t tolerate high impact activities, a weighted vest is a way provide that extra load.

Gear Edit

Finally, I put together an edit of exercise and fitness equipment for you to review.   Need a solid pair of sneakers or headphones for your daily walks? Take a look below at a list of some of the things I and my friends use and love during our exercise routines.  



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Thanks so very much for stopping by and sharing your time with me here at Distinctly Southern Style today! 

I hope that this post is inspiring you to start a simple walking program along with me. Let’s make the rest of our lives … the best of our lives as we strive to be happy and well!

Also, PLEASE remember to pin my post on Pinterest.

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  1. Gwen,

    It is incredible the difference the vest makes. It is just a tiny amount of weight, but it puts pressure on the back and hips, which we ladies need for good bone health.


  2. Love this post Rosemary! I’m a great fan of walking, and during the first lockdown got into the daily habit of walking in our nearby forest, listening to podcasts. I’m all for encouraging everyone else to get into walking because it’s such an easy way to improve fitness and relieve stress. Thanks for linking!

    • Hi there Jess,

      I am walking twice a day. Once for me and once with my pups.
      When the boys are with me there are lots of stops and chatting with neighbors and dog lovers❣️

      Rosemary xox-dSs

  3. I started walking for excerise during covid and now Im hooked. Its a great form of physical activity and you can enjoy nature while burning calories. A weighted vest, that sounds interesting.

    • Nancy,

      With my two dogs, I walk daily. It is always fun and relaxing. Lots of stopping and interaction with other walkers and neighbors.

      But, I am planning a more vigorous walking exercise routine without them. So, it will be two walks a day for me.☺️

      Rosemary xoxo- rd

    • Libbie,

      The weighted vest is a real game changer. I can feel the effects through my shoulders,spine, and hips. I am wearing it 3 times a week.


  4. Since I’ve retired, I’ve been much more intentional about exercise and particularly walking. It is a great way to get fit and having a nature break in my day is a nice treat too. Much nicer than walking on a treadmill

    • Adrian,

      I agree that getting outside in the fresh air and walking is much more enjoyable than walking the treadmill. But, treadmills are a blessing when the weather is not cooperating.

  5. Definitely a favorite way to get exercise, but so hard to accomplish in the snow and ice. I am using YouTube exercise videos for now!

    • I totally understand the limitations that the weather can put on a walking routine. Thankfully, we have access to YouTube videos. And some are fortunate to have treadmills at home or in a gym.

      Thanks for stopping by today!


  6. Emma,

    I do enjoy my headphones and listening to books and podcasts as I am walking.
    Thanks for stopping by today.


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