Wearing White – Summer 2020

Dressing in white during the summer is a classic southern fashion statement! And wearing white in summer 2020 will be no exception! It’s cool, airy, and always a fresh summer look. Today’s outfit is made up of items from previous summers and I am featuring a collection of fun items and clothes that are currently available for summer 2020.

Woman wear all white for Summer 2020

“Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.”

― Coco Chanel

Dressing in white for summer 2020

What’s up with the color white?

From the psychological point of view, the meaning of the color white is innocence, purity, wholeness, and completion. Because it is the absence of all colors, white is the ultimate expression of cleanliness and purity!! This explains the doctor’s white jackets. And wearing white dresses by first-time brides in western cultures

Fresh, cool fashion look in all white.

A fresh look at some fun facts!

There are so many mixed messages surrounding when and how to wear white. Typically, we think of wearing white in summer months. That is wearing white between Memorial Day and Labor Day. What are there rules for wearing white? When can you start wearing white? Is there any place where I shouldn’t be dressed in all white?

  • Rules – Yes and no – In today’s fashion world, you can enjoy looking and feeling good in white year-round. But, in summer, you will be comfy in breezy linen and cotton fabrics. These light fabrics are so comfortable during the heat of summer. But the answer is, there are no stop and start dates for sporting your whites.
  • Where shouldn’t you wear white? Simple answer, to a wedding when you’re not the bride has long been a no and unacceptable. Today’s rules of etiquette have loosened. But, the rule is so simple, so why break it? You might be confused as the bride.
woman sitting outside with a dog

Since my outfit is from my closet, this shirt and skirt are no longer available. I have put together a collection of similar pieces of clothing for you below. My blouse and skirt are from Chico’s at a different time. But you will find the styling of the current pieces is very similar.

By the way there is currently a 25% off Sale happening!

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Lastly, isn’t it wonderful that there are no longer any hard and fast rules on wearing white? Just as some women may prefer to wear black clothing year-round. Wearing white is now acceptable and classic. Both white and black are perfect neutrals. And to wear black or white most anytime is very appropriate.

Here’s to looking forward to a happy, healthy
summer of 2020!



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  1. Rosemary, you look lovely in all white. White is actually my favorite “color” to wear. And I always add white flowers in my garden because white flowers help the entire garden pop. Great post … I wouldn’t wear white to a wedding either.

  2. Hi Rosemary!
    What beautiful pieces! And of course I love seeing your pup lounging in the photos! My pups finally got groomed after the go ahead in her 1 person grooming van. After 3 months they needed it!
    Anyhoo. I love white looks in the hotter months, so fresh! Your hat looks perfect with it too. Straw accessories are some favorites with white. I bought a white maxi dress I look forward to wearing at some point!
    jess xx

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