According to the Farmers Almanac, “The “Dog Days of Summer” are from July 3 to August 11 each year. They’re usually the hottest and most unbearable days of the season.” Well, here in sunny Florida, we are at the end of the official season, but you can rest assured that the elements of the Dog Days Of Summer in Florida will be with us for a while longer. It will still be hot and sweaty for the next few months, and we will be outside along with our pets, trying to keep cool.

What are the Dog Days of Summer?

First, let’s chat about what the “Dog Days of Summer” really means. Most of us, especially here in the southern states have heard this term many times. And the common thoughts are that it means that it too hot for man and beast. Hot enough to drive dogs mad or some say “the day is not fit for a dog”. Well, the truth is told in the stars! Yes, its the peak of the summer when the Sun is in the same part of the sky as Sirius, which is the most prominent star in the dog-shaped constellation of Canis and is call the“the Dog Star.” The word Sirius means “the scorcher” in Ancient Greek. So it was believed by both the Greeks and Romans that the blazing star was adding to the Sun’s heat. Thus the term ” Dog Days of Summer.”
A Few Dog – Friendly Tips For Dog Days of Summer in Florida
🐾 Plan a visit to your local dog park. Remember to hydrate both yourself and your dog. And make sure that vaccinations are up to date.

🐾 Hop in the air-conditioned car and take your buddy for a ride.

🐾 I see many people riding their small dogs in a kiddie-trailer behind their bike or pushing them in a doggie stroller. ( Remember the heat on their paws is painful when walking on hot surfaces.)

🐾 Take them on a hike with you. Again, remember to hydrate both yourself and your buddy.

🐾 Some folks love boating and so do their dogs. Others like spending time in the pool or one the beach.

🐾 Kiddie pools are for dogs too! They love them!

🐾 Take them along on early morning visits to Farmers Market and Art Shows. They love all the attend they get.

🐾 Last but not least, a great option for socializing your dog is to take him along to a a pet-friendly restaurant or coffee shop.

In conclusion, we want to remember that although it’s hot outside, our dogs want and need outside activities. We are always using common sense. If the weather is too hot we stay inside. Remember, to check our pup’s paws – they can be severely burned in as little as 30 seconds or less depending on the temperature. As always we want to make sure that those activities are fun and safe❣️
Links to Items We Discussed
In case you are interested in more information on some of the items that we discussed, I have provided a lookbook down below. I hope that it will get you started in the right direction.
Until Next Time!
I hope you have enjoyed today’s post.
One of my goals here at Distinctly Southern Style is to be a guide for all you who may be planning a trip to Florida. I know when I am planning a trip, I am always questioning the weather and what is appropriate to pack at any given time. And I know that many of you are traveling a spending extended periods of time here with your pets.
For more past posts featuring my boys check out Sheltie Pictures On A Simply Sunday and Simply Sunday With My Shelties – Distinctly Southern Style.
Thanks for stopping by today!

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© COPYRIGHT 2022/ Distinctly Southern Style, LLC / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Such good tips, Rosemary. And as always, your pups are magnificent! Love seeing them. Stay cool, fellow Floridian. xo
Hi Gwen!
Thanks for stopping by today! It is so important to be aware of the elements of heat and humidity on our pets.
Love this dog-focused post. I agree our pups need outside! Also, I did not know what the “dog days of summer” meant – now I do!
Heidi, I remember my Grandmother says we were in the Dog Days of Summer and I never knew it was all about the stars. Anyway,August is HOT🔥🥵
What great tips! I live in Michigan with a Great Pyrenees, so we are always careful this time of year. Stay cool my friend!
No matter where we live in the northern hemisphere, August is hot🔥
And we must take precautions for our beloved pets❣️🐾🐾
Love seeing your pups! Thanks for sharing them! It’s so hot here in NYC so I can only imagine what Florida feels like-but I’m hoping to soon!! xo
Hi Michele,
Thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoy a Florida trip soon!
I’m a huge lover of dogs. Thanks for sharing these tips about keeping dogs cool and healthy in the summer heat.
Hi Carol,
We enjoy two Shelties and four grand-pups, so dogs are always on my mind🥰🐾🐾❤️
It’s cooling off some this week with highs in the 80s. It was perfect for our last little outing to the zoo. I cannot wait for fall to arrive with some cooler weather and fun plans.
Hi Mirelle,
Thanks for stopping by today. It’s amazing how we are always ready for a change of seasons🥰I am looking forward to cooler temps too!
I love the cool, dry fall days with some changing of colors. A great time for us southern to head north for a short vacay!
Love this post and seeing your darling pups!! Yes so many good ideas and I didn’t know that about the Stars! Learned something new! We took our pups into my brothers pool and they really aren’t water dogs but we will go out in the evening on our deck since it’s cooler!
Jess xx
Hi there my fellow dog lover!
Jess, I knew you would like this post as we do LOVE our precious pups❣️
thanks for stopping by!
Hi Jess!
My boys aren’t water dogs either. Too much fur and shedding. They love going for car rides and get out for runs with a leash❣️🥰🐾🐾
I love seeing you and your handsome boys!
Great tips for beating the heat with our sweet pets.
I always hate seeing dogs mistreated when it’s hot outside!
Hi Robin,
Special care and attention is so important for our furry friends in hot, humid weather.
Great tips on looking after dogs in summer ! Here in the UK we are definitely, and unusually, in the dog days of summer. We are in a long period of very hot and dry weather. Thanks for linking.
I have been following your heated summer over in the UK. Very unusual indeed.
Thanks for hosting today!
Fun summertime activities for the pups. Your dog is adorable.
Thanks Lovely,
Hope your summer is fun filled and going well❣️
Rosemary, I loved everything about this post! I’ve always wondered about that “dog days” expression. Great tips here and reminders for pet owners in hot weather. And these photos! How do you stay looking so cool and fresh?!
Hi Jean,
Thanks for stopping by and reading today!
I am so happy you enjoyed the post.
[not sure this comment went through, so i’ll try again]
Rosemary, I loved everything about this post! I’ve always wondered about that “dog days” expression. Great tips here and reminders for pet owners in hot weather. And these photos! How do you stay looking so cool and fresh?!
Thanks for all your kind words!
I’ve not heard that expression before, so interesting to hear its origin. Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous too!
Thanks Cat!
Have a great weekend❣️
Love this post and your boys! I never knew about the meaning behind that saying- thanks!
So happy you enjoyed today post❣️I think it fun to investigate the meanings and origins of common phrases.
Interesting! I didn’t know that the term came from a dog-shaped constellation! I cannot wait until our puppy is completely trained and can take her to the farmer’s market and pet-friendly restaurants! Have a great weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
You have so many fun and exciting things ahead of you and your new puppy. I look forward to reading about your adventures❣️🐾🐾🥰
I had no idea the meaning and history behind that phrase! What an interesting little lesson. These are great ideas for your pup pals, too. Thanks for sharing!
Hi there Laura,
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading todays post❣️
We gotta take care of our pooches! Love this post. So sad that summer is almost over.